lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Ella le había dicho que no.

Ella le había dicho que no porque no sentían lo mismo. No quería nada serio y prefería que lo de ellos se quedara así como estaba. Que se sentía 'cómoda', tranquila con su situación. Verse de vez en cuando, salir, bailar, conversar. Que ella sería su amiga y ya. Que ése era el único puente que podía haber entre ellos, porque el amor, el riesgo del amor, era muy grande y ella no estaba dispuesta. Que ya había sufrido mucho y que él era un buen chico. Que no quería perderlo. Que sería bueno que vieran a otra gente. ¿Qué es lo que te da tanto miedo? Le había preguntado él. O tal vez lo había pensado en voz alta y ella no había querido contestar. Caminaron un poco sin hablar. Ella miraba al suelo; él no recuerda bien qué miraba. No la abrazó como otras veces, ni le contó un chiste tonto antes de subirse al auto, ni le dijo "buena noches". Se despidieron fríamente, y ella pensó que él no volvería a llamarla. Que no querría saber nada, que seguiría con su vida como lo hace toda la gente. Como lo habían hecho otros antes que él. Cuando ella llegó a su casa, revisó su correo y vio que él le había mandado algo. Asunto: El pudor de decir las cosas.

Imaginé decirte éstas y otras cosas antes de dejarte en ese auto. Te las digo porque sé que corro el riesgo de no verte de nuevo y que eso sería mi mejor alivio en el caso de que no quisieras volver a verme después de estas palabras. Y ahora siento pudor. Pudor de que leas lo que escribí para ti, porque haya intentado pensar en argumentos para persuadirte cada vez que aparecías frente a mi cara mirándome. Yo te sonreía porque no podía hacer otra cosa. Porque una parte mía que estaba ahí, pensando en ti, se convertía en la vergüenza de saberme descubierto.

Pudor de que me veas, mirándote.

Pudor de que veas lo que hay dentro de mí cuando estoy y cuando no estoy contigo.

Cuando estamos y cuando no.
Cuando te adoro, porque mi corazón es como un perro grande, torpe e inconsciente de su tamaño, que ama sin límites y que mueve la cola cada vez que tú llegas.

Ten fe.
Tennos fe.
Tenme fe.

Ella leyó. Y volvió a leer. Se sonrió y luego sintió algo parecido a la emoción. Porque no estaba preparada para que le dijeran que sí de nuevo. Que alguien le pidiese que se atreviera, que saltara con él, que lo dejara estar ahí, con ella. Apretó el botón de respuesta y sólo escribió dos letras en aquel correo. Luego apagó el computador y la luz, y sintió cómo alguien la abrazaba desde el otro lado de la pantalla.


sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Escribir es sano

Siempre pensé que tener un blog era algo que no servía de mucho.. pero la experiencia me ha dicho que a veces escribir, cualquier cosa.. puede ser casi terapéutico.
Así que voy a ocupar este blog anglo (que estaba botado) para comenzar a tratarme.
vamos vamos

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2009

so , this is it! the final blog

It's never to late to learn!

When I was 12 years old, I went to the British Institute to learn English. I must admit that I hated, because I had to wake up so early and what is worse is that I had to go every Saturday, so I couldn't party with my friends on Friday night!
My mother always thought that I had this "special gift" for learning different languages, and now I can say that I'm very grateful to her, because English has make everything easier, especially in college and when I have to read scientific articles.
But, I finished the course when I was 15 years old, so I didn't have the chance to practice my English until now that I'm 20.

My experience learning English at the university has been very helpful, because as I said before I could practice what I forgot and also I learnt new things. During this semester it was a little hard and difficult to come to all classes, because I had to study and I was really tired some days, but classes were never boring and I enjoyed to come Wednesday and Friday.
When I was in high school English classes were boring and learning English was just to complete a grade register, so I always wanted to learn real English, not words like cat, dog, window, etc.
Learning English is never free, so I think that I had a good chance to learn it without paying jeje, I mean, I must pay university's monthly payment, but you know it was all included! I also must say that I was lucky because I had the opportunity to learn English with a real English speaker, so learning was like a feedback, where I learnt and I guess that my teacher also did it.
Before learning English at the university, I wasn't very confident about my communication skills because I was constantly thinking if my English pronunciation was good or if someone did understand what I was talking.
Through my experience, I've been thinking that it is very important to learn English from various angles. I need to improve my English skills, such as listening, reading and speaking, the most important. I can't waste my ability and having a gift for languages, so it's my duty to keep practicing, maybe watching movies without subtitles or reading English magazines. But I'm sure that this experience was helpful in many ways. maybe it was the chance to meet again with English, a language that I love and I enjoy learning.
So Joe, I didn't have the chance to say goodbye, but I hope you and your wife have a nice semester ending , and just say thank you for your willingness to teach.


Obstetrics and Midwifery is very related to many aspects that are important to our country.
This career must take care for women, not only in their pregnancy, also in their sexual and reproductive development. As an obstetrician, i must learn how to use technological equipment, because we can do ultrasounds to check how the baby is coming or if the fetus might have a genetic malformation. With an ultrasound you can get images in 2D or 3D, being this last one a privilege for those who have enough money, so i guess this could be one critical issue that our government should resolve, every woman, and especially those who are pregnant, needs to have the same attention and medical resources to assure the good health of her baby.
Also, 40 years ago, many mothers died during labour, but now with technology and good professional attention, the death toll has declined.
In social matters, obstetricians play an important role. In every level of health attention, i mean public or private hospitals, we are seen as someone to trust, wich is very important because if our pacients feel safe and confident, they can tell us important aspects of their life and we can help them in a better way. Counselling, listening and general communication skills are essential in this career. Many mothers, especially new ones will need advice and support, so we have to be aware of the social and cultural context in wich childbirth takes place.
Midwifery has a unique position in the health care professions, the service we provide is invaluable, because we are in close contact with people and we can make changes in their lifes thinking of what they really need.
Obstetricians also work in education, and when i say education is to educate our society. We can teach in primary health centers things like: family planning, birth control, breastfeeding, maternal-baby links, how to use condoms and the most important how to prevent sexual transmitted diseades (STDs). In Chile, teenage pregnancy is a very common problem in health matters, this is related to poor people or young women in social risk. So we must prevent this, teaching and counselling in the use of contraceptives.
So the dessire to assist and interest in women and their families through all stages of pregnancy and sexual life, are two aspects that are required to study this career.
Midwifery is a rewarding and challenging career, but it also allows for flexibility of working in every part of the country.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Money makes the world go around!

Hi! Today's theme is MONEY. When you hear that someone says "money is not all, there are more important things", yeah, of course there are more important things like love, health, personal relationships,etc. But money plays an important role in our daily life. If you have money you can have access to many things that can give you a good life quality. Also, money is important if you are planning to have a family, i mean, if you have kids and you want to buy and live in your own house, you must save some money to pay school, bills, medicine for your kids in case they got sick, etc. We all need money!
I live with my parents, so i don't have to pay bills, and i don't have to manage big amounts of money because i only ask for it when i need to buy books or clothes.
If you want to leave your parent's house, you must earn some money, i think it's the first step to become independent. About two years ago i started to work as a promoter in supermarkets; it felt good because with the money i earnt i bought my own things and i didn't have to borrow money from other people.
I think i'm very good at saving money, i'm very organized and i know when or where to spend it.
But money has bad aspects. In this country if you don't have money, you are nobody. If you want to have a good education you must pay for a good school, and many people don't have enough resources so they can't have access to study or have a professional occupation.. the cost of living is increasing every year. Money makes a country to divide in groups, rich people and poor people, wich i think it's bad because some have all the power and some others must live under the orders from those who have it all. So i think my parents are investing their money in a good thing, they are paying my education so i can be a good professional and contribute to improve my country and help the needy.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2009

My Faculty

Hi! Today's theme is my Faculty. I'm studying Obstetrics and Midwifery at Medicine School in University of Chile. This is a very old building, so i think that important changes need to be done. About infrastructure, like i said before, it's a very old building and maybe it could be more modern, but laboratories and auditoriums are very good and they don't interfere with learning, wich at the end is the most important aspect to evaluate. My faculty has beautiful green areas, wich i think is very important because you can relax and forget for a while books, study, big tests, etc. It also has a special place where you can party with your friends and have a nice time.
I will like to change security. I think is a week point that my faculty and university in general needs to work out. 3 o 4 months ago, strange people started to enter into the faculty, any one can come here because no one asks for ID or special credential, so many thiefs used to come and steal our things. Another aspect that i will improve in my faculty is COMPUTERS!!!!. For example, at this moment i'm writing, and i have to wait 5 or 10 minutes to open another page. Computers in library are very slow, this is very difficult because i think is a big obstacle to study. Many students don't have the money to buy a computer, so they need to study and do their homeworks with faculty's computers. The solution is to buy more computers.
I guess i will solve this situation talking with the person who is in charge of computers, because we pay a big amount of money, and it should be invest in things for students and not only for the university.
And last but no least,my faculty is full of street dogs, so i will give them a long bath because they smell bad, reaaaally bad.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

A fat doggy

Today's a free theme, so i'll talk about my dog..
My dog was a gift that i got for my last birthday, at first my dad wasn't agree on having a pet, because our flat is very small, and we don't have a big backyard. But, on November 7th of 2008, a beautiful dog came to my house. Me and my mom named her "Agustina", because we think that if we choose this name my dad wouldn't be so upset (My dad's name is "Augusto").
Agustina's breed is "Basset Hound". A basset hound is a short-legged dog, of the scent hound family, this means that they can hunt and chase rabbits or other animals just by feeling the smell. A basset hound is also known as a "Hush Puppie", because a famous shoes industry used this image for their publicity.
Agustina is a very friendly dog, she likes to eat many food and she's also very lazy. Now she's 1 year and 4 month olds, and she's very large but her legs are also very short, so i'm a little scared because she's a fat dog and maybe in a few years she might can't support her own weight; also she has loooong ears, i mean extremely long ears.. her ears can touch the floor, wich is also very worrying because this makes her prone to ear diseases.
Her face makes her look like she's always sad, her droopy eyes and her long ears force you to don't be angry when she does bad things. Also, when she wants something she starts to howl and barking, and when she wants to get attention she uses a low whine.
Agustina is on the lazy side, and it's really necessary to take her out, if i don't do it , she might start to gain more weight and get fatter than she's now. So, having a dog is useful to have company and also to walk every day and do some exercise.