It's never to late to learn!
When I was 12 years old, I went to the British Institute to learn English. I must admit that I hated, because I had to wake up so early and what is worse is that I had to go every Saturday, so I couldn't party with my friends on Friday night!
My mother always thought that I had this "special gift" for learning different languages, and now I can say that I'm very grateful to her, because English has make everything easier, especially in college and when I have to read scientific articles.
But, I finished the course when I was 15 years old, so I didn't have the chance to practice my English until now that I'm 20.
My experience learning English at the university has been very helpful, because as I said before I could practice what I forgot and also I learnt new things. During this semester it was a little hard and difficult to come to all classes, because I had to study and I was really tired some days, but classes were never boring and I enjoyed to come Wednesday and Friday.
When I was in high school English classes were boring and learning English was just to complete a grade register, so I always wanted to learn real English, not words like cat, dog, window, etc.
Learning English is never free, so I think that I had a good chance to learn it without paying jeje, I mean, I must pay university's monthly payment, but you know it was all included! I also must say that I was lucky because I had the opportunity to learn English with a real English speaker, so learning was like a feedback, where I learnt and I guess that my teacher also did it.
Before learning English at the university, I wasn't very confident about my communication skills because I was constantly thinking if my English pronunciation was good or if someone did understand what I was talking.
Through my experience, I've been thinking that it is very important to learn English from various angles. I need to improve my English skills, such as listening, reading and speaking, the most important. I can't waste my ability and having a gift for languages, so it's my duty to keep practicing, maybe watching movies without subtitles or reading English magazines. But I'm sure that this experience was helpful in many ways. maybe it was the chance to meet again with English, a language that I love and I enjoy learning.
So Joe, I didn't have the chance to say goodbye, but I hope you and your wife have a nice semester ending , and just say thank you for your willingness to teach.